Hmm... I do read non-fictional books but most of them are biographies.. I don't know that I have a favorite as far as that goes.. but there are a few books that I would like to suggest. .. Actually come to think of it.. I do have a favorite.. This book changed me .. inside and out.. It made me rethink who I am and become a better person. When I began college the second time I had to take a class called Human service Ethics.. since I am a psychology major. This book helps you to look within yourself and determine why you are the way you are.. what things you are holding on to that are hurting you .. and how to let go of those things. I have to say it really worked on me.. helping me to work through some major issues I have dealt with throughout my life with my family. If you have anger issues or problems making friends.. you need to read this book.. it will change your life, if you let it.
This book is called "I Never Knew I had a Choice.. Explorations in personal growth"

It is a college book so it can be pricey, but it is so very worth it! There are two things that have made me grow as a person, and allow me to continue to grow.. Those are God, and this book. Honestly this book helped me renew my faith too, among other things. It showed me that I can let go of the anger and move on.. my anger only harms me and those I am angry at.. well they just don't care. Why let someone else have that kind of power over you?
It is the well adjusted person who can forgive and move on.. However, forgiving someone for what they have done to you doesn't mean that you have to be friends with them or even have a relationship with them again. It just means that you are able to let go of the anger inside yourself that can truly eat you alive.
Before I read this book, when I would meet someone for the first time their impression of me was that I was a bitch. I never understood why. It is funny to me now cause most of the time my first impression on people now is completely different.. I have told current friends about former people's impression of me and to my surprise they laughed and said "you". It is good to know that I don't radiate that anger that I held within myself for so long anymore. I have worked hard to be a more friendly outgoing person and I continue to work on that.
I pride myself in being a person that my friends and acquaintances can come to in their time of need. I want to be better than I am, I want to continue to grow as a person and I want to help others in any way I can.
I guarantee you that if you read this book, you will find things out about yourself that you didn't even know were there and you will heal.
Here is the link to it on Amazon if you would like to give it a try.
I Never Knew I had a Choice
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