I don't get a chance to read very often, but when I do I enjoy mystery type books. I used to read much more often, but I also didn't use to have 3 kids..lol.. My interest in a particular series started back in 2003 when I was working as a delivery driver for pizza hut... This is me then...lol

Kris introduced me to books on tape.. (back when they still had cassette tapes, I know I am showing my age..lol) Anyways, Kris introduced me to The Cat Who... Series, by Lilian Jackson Braun. So I started listening to these books on tape while I drove and I have to say they definitely peaked my interest. I could see everything in my minds eye as the scenes unfolded in the book. I have sense read many more of the books and own A LOT of them! I hope to start reading them again soon. I had to stop reading for a long time due to going to college and just not having the time. However, I may be having a little more time to read after we move, but we shall see. Most of the time I spend reading now is when I am taking a bath after all the kids are in bed. Of course currently with all of the cleaning and packing I am doing, taking time out to read a book isn't really feasible.. but.. I will get back to it soon! Here are a few of the book covers.. don't bother with the click here thing.. that was just part of the picture..lol

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