I have been trying to think of what piece of art to share.. and as of yet.. I haven't found anything.. I do have pictures that I took of some artwork in Washington D.C. a few years ago.. but I cannot seem to find it right now. I think the things that most people consider art, I don't.. lol.. Like those odd sculptures that you really cannot figure out what they are.. or even the paintings that are like that.. Being that I am a photographer I usually appreciate photographic art more than other media.. Although I do wish that I had some of my sister or nieces talent when it comes to drawing or painting.. I do find the ability to do those things rather amazing. I am going to leave this post pictureless for now.. but I will be searching for a few pieces of art to share and add the pictures then. :)
Here is a picture that I took of some nice architecture at Balboa park..

Dude the architecture at Balboa is definitely art! I miss that place... we used to just go walk around when we were bored...so gorgeous!