

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Things have been crazy in my life lately.. I started running to train for a 5k...

Lost some friends over.. well.. not really sure what happened ...

Found comfort from family and a couple other unexpected sources.. Been spending a lot of time alone unless I am running and then I have some great running partners that I am super grateful for..

Been staying away from the internet more and more... only going on ASA to run maintenance... and have no desire to go there at all... shear boredom sometimes leads me there.. but not often..

I have been watching the seasons of Heroes and enjoying it.. having crazy dreams .. a hard time falling asleep .. and a hard time staying asleep..

I scheduled my surgery for May 12th and I am looking forward to it.. happily one of my good friends has offered to drive me home in the case that Kris cannot get the day off to do it. Still have to find a babysitter though..

I have so much that I want to say..but I do not know how to say it right now..
I know this post is all over the place.. but that is really how i have been feeling lately..

Kris and my sister have been wonderful during this confusing time in my life.. They have been there to listen to me and offer a shoulder.. I don't know what I would do without them..

I have found myself at the sharp side of the sword and feel as though it has been repeatedly plunged into my chest... sounds dramatic I know.. but it is a type of anxiety that I have no other way to explain right now.

I am working through it ... but letting go of people in your life when you cannot understand why they left leaves a lot of confusion.. So I am looking to God for peace and understanding as he is the only one that can give that to me.

Blessed be..

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great with your running and keeping at it. You will be able to rock the 5K in July. Did I tell you that I signed up for the half marathon option?


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