

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good Deeds, Great Needs

There is a new movie coming out on Feb. 24th called "Good Deeds" it is by Tyler Perry.. and although I have not watched any of his previous movies I have heard that they tend to be humorous. The real reason why I find this particular movie so worthy of a blog is that it has joined up with Covenant House in efforts to help homeless youth. This program will also be partnering with a gift card company that collects unused gift cards and donating them to covenant house. How wonderful that people can give great things to the at risk youth of our country and give them a chance at a better life.

Covenant house does its best to provide hearty meals, warm beds, and safe shelter to homeless youth and in my opinion that is always a good cause. So I would like to share with you this video because lionsgate has offered to make donations each time this video is shared.

Good Deeds. Great Needs. | #GoodDeedsMovie

I hope you will take the time to just click on the movie, it will only take a few minutes of your time and it will help out a great cause.

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