Hello Readers!
I know it has been a bit since I have posted but I wanted to share something cool with you! 4Vets4Life is doing a wonderful giveaway! You could win $100,000 if you are a Vet and all you need to do is log in to the below website and tell your story! Entry is free and it can't hurt! So what have you got to lose? Know a Vet that should enter? Tell them to do it also!
Check out this press release for more information!
Life as I see it...
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Monday, September 26, 2016
Nestle Splash voxbox
I got my free Nestle Splash voxbox and was able to try the berry flavored water. It was refreshing like water should be with a little bit of flavor. Love Influenster and trying new things!
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Open Letter to all "Skin Care" Direct Sales companies..
First let me say, I think it is great you are working from home and you believe in your products but let me show you the biggest issue I have with all of your miracle product posts.
You are posting before pictures of women with no makeup on showing their natural skin, acne, or dark spot issues that you are claiming to be able to magically fix. Yet in your After image the same woman is wearing makeup, concealer, and using the lowest resolution blurry iPhone photo. Her moles/freckles, acne, and age spots have suddenly vanished! Amazingly it only took 6 short weeks to do so!! How awesome!! Only it isn't, because it isn't true. If you want to sell me a product that "works" so well, then be honest.
Show me some REAL before and after photos! With all the high resolution cameras running around out there posting a blurry Before and After makes it look like you have something to hide. Then of course there is the makeup.. Come on guys.. you cannot seriously expect me to believe a before and after where they are wearing makeup in the After!! Let's have some transparency here!! If your product really works that well, post the real pictures!!
What do you think? Are you tired of all the fake before and after photos? If you are a Skin Care Consultant and want to share some true before and after photos with me I would love to see them!
Monday, June 6, 2016
Dear Younger Me....
Dear Younger Me,
I know life is hard, I know you are going through a lot of trials. I know that you are screaming out in loneliness, sadness, and despair. I know that all you hear in response to your screams is silence. I know that what you want more than anything is someone to come along and tell you that everything will be ok and the hard times won't last forever.
Dear younger me, if I could hold you and comfort you I would. I would tell you that the future holds wonderful things and love that you cannot imagine because you have not yet felt it. I would tell you that all the terrible, painful, things you are going through and will go through, have to happen. I would want to tell you all of the horrible things that happen, that you could avoid, but I wouldn't. If I told you about the pain and sorrow that awaits, you might change something but that would change us. It would change my now and now is good. It is so much better than you could comphrehend right now.
Dear Younger me, trust me, all of the pain will be worth it one day. You will find a life that you never knew could be possible and all of those bad things will be pieces of you that help to lead you there. The one thing I would tell you is to let go of the hurt sooner. It will be hard but holding on to that hurt just creates more pain in us that we don't have to have. Dear younger me, love yourself, every part of yourself. Try to stop looking at what you aren't and see all the good inside you. Dear younger me, that piece you are searching for, that little piece that fills the emptiness, you will finally look up and see it.
I was driving home today and MercyMe's song Dear Younger Me came on and it really got me thinking. IF I could talk to myself, what would I say? Would I change things? This was the letter to myself and the song that inspired it. Would you reach out to yourself in love or would you try to change things?
Dear Younger Me :by MercyMe
I know life is hard, I know you are going through a lot of trials. I know that you are screaming out in loneliness, sadness, and despair. I know that all you hear in response to your screams is silence. I know that what you want more than anything is someone to come along and tell you that everything will be ok and the hard times won't last forever.
Dear younger me, if I could hold you and comfort you I would. I would tell you that the future holds wonderful things and love that you cannot imagine because you have not yet felt it. I would tell you that all the terrible, painful, things you are going through and will go through, have to happen. I would want to tell you all of the horrible things that happen, that you could avoid, but I wouldn't. If I told you about the pain and sorrow that awaits, you might change something but that would change us. It would change my now and now is good. It is so much better than you could comphrehend right now.
Dear Younger me, trust me, all of the pain will be worth it one day. You will find a life that you never knew could be possible and all of those bad things will be pieces of you that help to lead you there. The one thing I would tell you is to let go of the hurt sooner. It will be hard but holding on to that hurt just creates more pain in us that we don't have to have. Dear younger me, love yourself, every part of yourself. Try to stop looking at what you aren't and see all the good inside you. Dear younger me, that piece you are searching for, that little piece that fills the emptiness, you will finally look up and see it.
I was driving home today and MercyMe's song Dear Younger Me came on and it really got me thinking. IF I could talk to myself, what would I say? Would I change things? This was the letter to myself and the song that inspired it. Would you reach out to yourself in love or would you try to change things?
Dear Younger Me :by MercyMe
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Spartan Race Winner!
Hi guys,
I got two entries for the spartan race so I used random.org to randomize the list and choose a winner. Congratulations Greg on winning! Please contact me to get your code.
I got two entries for the spartan race so I used random.org to randomize the list and choose a winner. Congratulations Greg on winning! Please contact me to get your code.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Spartan FIT! Book & Race Entry Giveaway!!!
Hi guys!
It has been awhile since I have posted.. Life got crazy! I will have to update about all of that later! For now though, I have a free race code to give away!!
Spartan Races has a new Spartan FIT! book being released!!! You are not going to want to miss this!
Sooo are you ready to Spartan up and race hard!!!??
Go now and check out the upcoming events at http://www.spartan.com/en
Now for the fun part.. Comment below and tell me why you want to run the Spartan race! That's it! Then I will Do a drawing on 4/14/16 for the winner of the free race code!! Entrants will still get something special just for entering!! Do it now and you will be happy you did!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Dessange #Influenster
I received my free Dessange Voxbox from Influenster and tried out the products. I have to say they were nothing special. The scent was very overpowering. I would best describe it as extremely floral perfume. When I used it on my fine hair it made it feel oily while washing and not like it was cleaning it. It did not make it look oily like I expected it to but it didn't do anything good for my hair either. It might work better for those without allergies to floral scents and like oily feeling hair. Not quite my forte.
So my review.. It just isn't worth the hype. #JadoreDessange @DessangeParis @Influenster
So my review.. It just isn't worth the hype. #JadoreDessange @DessangeParis @Influenster
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Influester GoVoxBox
This is by far the best voxbox I have received!! All the awesome stuff that was included! I mean wow.. I got a mixer bottle, some protein supplement samples from NEXT, a foot scrubber, bath salts, and other stuff that will be pictured below. I haven't had the chance to try everything yet..but I have tried the Next protein powder and I LOVE IT! The taste is great! Plus it makes me feel full.. always a good sign for a meal replacement. I also love the foot scrubber by profoot...It is so soft and squishy yet rough like a loofah.. pretty cool!

Friday, February 21, 2014
Civilian Vs. Military Friendships.. How long will it last?
I have been a Navy Spouse for almost 10 years now. I have met and said good-bye to many wonderful people and some not so wonderful people. Through every move I have the opportunity to meet new people and for us those moves have equaled 7. I have learned to become an extrovert. I have learned to go out to random get togethers and introduce myself to people I have never even seen before. I now start this the moment I arrive at a new duty station in order to form contacts or friends as soon as I can because I know that in only a few short years we will be on our way to a new place again, taking with us only the memory of those moments that we shared.
As a Military spouse we know full well that we will only have a short time in each others presence but with the wonders of the internet and facebook we can "friend" one another and keep in touch over the years and continue to build our friendships.. or so you would think. I have learned over and over that friendships with Military spouses are hard won. I have found that my military friends are much quicker to delete people from their lives as soon as they feel you don't talk to them often enough. A few weeks go by, a month, 6 months, your life goes on, gets in the way, and one day you find yourself thinking of someone you met at another duty station only to find that when you go to contact them you have been "deleted". Now I personally just send the message anyway and say hey, I was thinking about you .. how are you doing?. Most of the time I do not get a response back so I assume they do not want me contacting them anymore and I let it go.
Now we come to Civilian friends. I have had many civilian friends over then years and never had a single one delete me. Not one. You know what, we hardly ever contact each other either but they seem to understand that whether we are in constant contact or not the friendship doesn't change. We can pick up right where we left off. We know that we all have lives and do not always have a chance to contact each other.. sometimes even for years.
I am of the civilian persuasion. I do not delete people. I do not stop thinking about you or wondering how you are just because we moved, haven't spoken for awhile, or you don't contact me every three weeks. You would think the opposite of these two scenarios would be true and as a mil spouse we would cling tighter to our friendships, but it seems instead we have learned that it is easier to just let go than to bother with keeping people around. We blame others on our ease of release and say "Well they haven't contacted me in 3 weeks, 2 months, 6 months, a year, whatever the time line." Guess what .. it is more than likely that you haven't contacted them either.. but have you thought of them? I am willing to bet you have probably crossed their mind but if you haven't thought of them.. you cannot remember where you even met them.. then by all means press the delete button.. Who wants people around that they literally do not even know. Just remember when it is someone you have spent time with that it is not only their responsibility to contact you. (I know I am very guilty of thinking of people but never contacting them, that is one of the things I am working on.) The phone, internet, email, or fb works both ways, you can be just as active in building your friendship as the other person. Don't expect them to do all the leg work get upset when there is no contact between you.
Now I am fully aware that neither of these scenarios are 100%. There are of course several other Mil Spouses that aren't delete happy and several Civilians that are quick to delete. I am just relaying my own personal experiences with each.
In the end you never really know who is going to stick around and who won't but I have learned that a lot of it is based on how much energy you are willing to put into those relationships. Friendship like marriage requires work. You won't always like each other, you won't always agree, but you can still choose to love them and be their friend. No one is perfect, not everyone will mesh with us and that is ok. We just need to realize that caring for one another takes work and whether you are a mil spouse or civilian we all need those people in our lives that are going to stick around and be there no matter what. If you are my friend, know that I am here for you because I want to be, and I don't care how often you contact me, I will still be here. :)
Do you find this to be true? Which side do you fall on?
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Before & After
I don't think I ever posted my pictures after my 20 pound weight loss last year so now I am finally getting around to doing it.. Hey, I'm only a year late! lol.. On March 15th 2012 I decided enough was enough and I was going to start eating right and doing some cardio. (My running adventures never made me lose weight) So I started keeping an eye on what I ate and doing 20-30 minutes of indoor cardio a day. 3 months later on June 15th 2012 I had lost 20 pounds!!! Finally after all these years I am back at my goal weight of 125 and holding steady. Although some days that is a little harder than others but I feel better about myself now than ever. I am happy with the way I look and it feels good to be able to run. I recently did the Fort to Base run and did 11.5 miles in 2.26 hours! My best time ever at a 12:30 minute mile! I am thrilled with how far I have come and although I am not a consistent runner in this cold climate I do still enjoy getting out there sometimes. So without further ado .. Here are my before and after pictures.
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