

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bending to his will.

On February 10th I was baptized. It was a very special moment in my life where I offered myself and my devotion to God. I have since felt his burdens placed on my heart to be a better person and a better neighbor. I have even started reading the bible. I had tried many times before but never gotten past the first few pages of genesis. I have also found a great app on my tablet called you version thanks to my great friend Lisa, which makes reading the bible so easy! It offers so many different versions you can find the one that is easiest for you to understand. It is great! Last night I had a not so great first time interaction with one of my neighbors. It ended with me feeling very angry. As I was taking a bath to relax afterwards God put it on my heart to go speak with said neighbor and clear things up. I avoided doing it and had determined to myself that I wasn't going to give in and bend. I told Kris about it and he said "I will tell you this, when God puts something on your heart it is usually better if you just do it." As much as I hate admitting he is right.. I know that is just what I needed to do. So I bent to God's will and went on over to speak with the neighbor. We worked things out and both apologized for last nights interaction. I am feeling much better.. a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I have felt more at peace in the past month than I have in well.. my entire life.

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