

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Navy Wife Jewlery Giveaway!!!

I will be doing a giveaway for some jewelry from Gambizzle jewels but I would first love to see if I have any readers that would participate. If you are interested please post a response to this blog and I will get the Giveaway up in the next couple days.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day Guest Blogger

In Honor of Veteran's Day I have a special guest blogger. Courtney Biltmore
Thank you Courtney for taking the time to write for my blog and share such great information.

Celebrating American Heroes
Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Veterans Day? Have you ever gotten it confused with Memorial Day? Many people in the United States have no idea why we celebrate Veterans Day or the reasons behind it. It is a day that has more meaning than most people think and the history of the holiday is extremely significant.

Veterans Day first started back in 1918, when the United States signed an armistice with Germany on November 11th, at 11am. The signing of the armistice signified the end of World War 1, and the following year President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the day a holiday. Almost twenty years later in 1938, congress passed a resolution that made November 11th a legal federal holiday. Finally, in 1954, congress moved to change the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day, in order to honor all the men and women who served in World War 2 and the Korean War as well as the preceding wars. Today, Veterans Day is a day to celebrate all men and women who have served in the Armed Forces since the inception of our nation.

Many people confuse Veterans Day with Memorial Day, and, while they are similar, their meanings are quite different. Veterans Day is a day dedicated to celebrating those who have or are serving in the United States Armed Forces. Memorial Day, on the other hand, is a day given to memorialize those who have died in the service of this country.

Celebrating Veterans Day
Because so many people forget the true meaning of Veterans Day, the day often goes with less celebrating and more relaxing that it deserves. People who have the day off from work use it to relax and run errands, but really there is so much more that can be done! Here are a few ways you can celebrate Veterans Day this year:

1. Decorate your House – Getting your family and neighbors involved in showing your support for the men and women who protect our freedom is a great way to thank our service members as well as teach your children (if you have any) about the importance of Veterans Day and gratitude. Putting up flags, posters, patriotic banners or pictures that your kids make is a great way to spend the day focused on patriotic activities.

2. Go to a Parade – Many cities hold Veterans Day parades to honor those who live locally and have or are serving in the Armed Forces. By going to a parade, you are able to meet those in your community who sacrifice to protect your right and you are able to thank them in person. Additionally, most parades have other local performers or musicians and they are a great way to be more involved in your community.

3. Give Service – Giving service at a VA hospital or at a veteran’s memorial in your community is a great way to get involved on Veterans Day. Many communities have memorials that honor local citizens who serve, and hospitals allow people to visit and talk to patients or the elderly who may not be able to get out as often as they would like.

No matter how you choose to spend your Veterans Day this year, remember that your ability to have a day to thank the men and women who protect this country comes from their sacrifices and willingness to risk what they have to protect the greater good of the nation. Be sure to take some time to think about this sacrifice and show your thanks in the best way possible.

Courtney Biltmore writes about VA news for, a site that helps veterans and service members find the lowest VA home loan rates and save money on their VA mortgages.