

Sunday, January 15, 2012

6 years have flown by...

Each year seems to blow by faster than the last one as my babies grow so quickly. I remember the day he was born and holding that sweet little one in my arms. It is hard to believe that 6 years have past since that day.. but here we are celebrating his 6th birthday.. This past year he started Kindergarten and unfortunately had to leave his very first school as we pcs'ed to Illinois. He still misses his school and Washington and tears up cause he wants to go back. I don't blame him. The schools and teachers there were so much better. I wish I could ship his teacher here cause I would do it in a heartbeat. He is such a sweet kid.. very emotional and a tad whiny at but so loving and giving. I am very proud of him. So of course I follow this with all the great memories of my baby growing up. I love pictures. :)

My baby boy when he was first born..

Around 6 months old

May 2007 16 months

Dec. 2007 at almost 2

Jul. 2008 at 2 1/2

Jul 2009 3 1/2

March 2010 4 years 2 months

Nov. 2010 4 years 10 months

Jan. 2011 5 years

Jul. 2011 5 1/2

Dec 2011 almost 6!

My big boy is 6 years old!

And of course a picture of him with his cake.

I cherish all of these moments and harass my children with the camera constantly.. because who doesn't want to remember every little moment, every little facial expression, every little goofy thing they do that tends to slip away from us with time. Capture those moments cause they leave us all too fast.

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with you...I was just thinking this morning how my baby will be 9 years old & my oldest will be 14 years old this year....I couldn't believe it...Time flies by when your having fun!!!


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