

Friday, September 3, 2010

30 days of me- Day 18

Day 18 - whatever tickles your fancy

So this blog is just about anything and everything.. Lets see.. I have been having issues with my weight loss this past week.. as in I gained two pounds for no apparent reason.. I mean literally, I have continued to eat right and even exercise and suddenly I just went up two pounds and stayed there.. My FF thinks it is stress.. and although I kinda shrugged off that explanation.. I am now wondering if that might be true..

To say the least I have been stressed lately.. Kris is gone, again.. and we still haven't gotten the necessary paperwork to schedule our move.. At this point time is getting short to get everything taken care of.. My worries increase about him not being able to go to my graduation on Nov. 6th. They are supposed to be here on that day and I have scheduled a non-refundable hotel room..:( We have requested leave for the move during that time but again, still waiting to find out if they are going to approve that or not..

Due to all that I have found myself becoming very tense lately.. Everything seems to aggravate me easily.. I have been trying to keep myself busy with things.. like getting stuff together to get rid of and sell.. Still need to get a package together to send to my sister, but I am waiting for something in the mail from her.

Alora's birthday is this month.. and I need to take some pictures with and of her.. I also need to take a family portrait before I can take down my studio and I have to say that is making me a little crazy too.. cause I am ready to take it all down but I cannot due to necessity..

I also need to clean this house, the carpets, the walls, everything, and get it ready for inspection.. I need to call housing and set up a move out date with them as well.. but how can I schedule that when I can't even schedule a move! Ugh.. you see my frustration..

I find time growing short and my list of things to do growing longer.. so I guess today will be a work day. .. time to get this house straightened up.. maybe that will help relieve some stress.. I also have to get the van packed up so I can take my stuff over for the yard sale tomorrow.. Anyone wanna help!? lol


  1. I hope they get the paperwork to you soon!

  2. ::hugs... I cant imagine how stressful things are right now. Hope they get the paperwork to you soon!!! And Happy Birthday Alora!


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